Monday, December 8, 2008

So I'm A Bitch, Dump Me Then.

Question for the ladies in the Hizzouse:

How many of you have acted like a complete bitch in hopes that your boyfriend will break up with you thus sparing you the ugly task of being the end-er of the relationship?

I've done it. I just heard about a girl doing it to one of my guy friends (note: she seemingly failed and thus went with the "No Sex For You" route which will likely prove effective in this case). I'm wondering if this is a widespread phenomenon worth exploring or if its just limited to the cowardly.

If its a phenomenon, I'll noodle on it and throw out thoughts/ideas/schemes to debunk the bitch.



S said...

I haven't done it, but I had a guy do it to me. He didn't have the balls to break things off, so he just did all the things he knew would make me end it instead. Grrr. . .

Honestly, I'm not subtle enough to pull this one off. And I never had any qualms about being the one to do the breaking up.

Anonymous said...

Does going radio silent until they stopped calling count as mean? Or, dumping someone via text? Or, having your friend e-mail him a good-bye note on your behalf?

I'm a spineless wimp when it comes to breaking things off with someone. Perhaps it's even more mean than being mean.

It's the guilt...thanks, mom.

JessiferSeabs said...

I've never done that, but I've certainly had guys do that to me. I think we all have.

Unknown said...

I have never done it to anyone, but I have had it happen to me and I was young and stupid enough to not "get it".

Ellen Louise said...

I'm not proud of this, but when I was breaking up with my last boyfriend I started calling him "friend." Like "Hi, Friend" or "How are you, Friend?" Definitely a not-so-subtle indication that I wasn't interested in being more than that anymore. Also, towards the end of our relationship, when he would write me mushy e-mails I would often send one word replies that usually said "gross." or "eeew." that is pretty bitchy, right?

K.O.P. said...

LitChic, that's classic. I actually had a guy that I would keep trying to break up with and then somehow, someway, he always talked me OUT of it. So then I realized that I had to get him to want to be done with me so I went bitch on him big time. It was some of the most fun I've ever had. :)

Sarah said...

I have never acted like a bitch to their face, but I have done what I call..."pulling the fade" in which you pretty much slowly stop contacting is cowardly, I admit it.