I'm currently stuck, stranded, marooned...ahem, snowed in at General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee. I like to think that I do some of my best writing in airports since that's where I spend the majority of my time these days.
So, then, kiddies, we've nothing but time together, isn't that lovely?
Let's take a little trot back in time to one of my very first Chick Blog Entries when I got myself hiked up onto my soapbox and read you poor guys up one side and very succinctly down the other regarding spineless and unacceptable break up tactics.
Ay yei yei. Kat, you fucking hypocrite.
I realized the extent of my hypocrisy while having a chat with one of my dearest guy friends about the ways that his girlfriend is trying to get him to be more giving and invested in the relationship. I have to say, she's either not very well-versed with guy-brains or one very wily fox because I don't really understand what she's doing at all. Most recently she's cut him off from sex...(wait for it)... and she's in her 30s!!! How can she do it? I mean I'm horny like a teenage boy and we've seen the sorts of things they'll fuck. How can she can turn away a perfectly good boyfriend??
I digress...
This discussion of her tactics drove me from thinking she was trying to get him back into the swing of things to thinking she was trying to get him to end it with her to spare her the responsibility and the dirty work.
And then I got to trot along memory lane of all the horrible things (conscious and sub-conscious) I'd done to get the hell out of a relationship.
1. I became a stark-raving bitch. He earned it, he wouldn't let me end it, kept on weaseling his way back in. Not my fault that I had to treat him like a miscreant.
2. I convinced him to go to a college VERY far away and then said we'd see each other when we could knowing full well that I was just trying to get rid of him. This culminated in a very unsavory Homecoming Dance incident.
3. I don't even know if I can say the last one but let's just say it wasn't very stand up but neither was telling him that being intimate with him was like "fucking my own thumb".
I'm a very bad person. Its a good thing I purge myself of these things via the blog so they don't taint my soul.
1 comment:
I kind of forgot about the "fucking my own thumb" incident until I read this, and now all I can think about is NoFunSteve and TonsofFunKatie at the Legion, and you giving us the thumbs up, and the entire table disolving into giggles... ahhhh, the memories.
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