Monday, October 27, 2008

Introducing Chick Decoder: Kat

The bottom line is this: We've all been there.

That moment when you stop dead in your tracks, stop mid-sentence, pull your car over to the side of the road or just simply have an epiphany: I'm dating a nut job. (Let me tell you though, its worse when the epiphany is: I'm a nut job. And I've been there too.)

And therein, my friends, lies the heart of the matter. Is this girl in your world certifiably crazy or have you simply driven her off the deep end?

Because as much as I hate to admit it, there are a lot of crazy ladies out there, guys. But for every crazy lady, there's a simple explanation. And that's what we're here to provide you with.

I'm Kat. I'm 31 years old and quite qualified for my new job as "Chick Decoder 2000". First off, I am a chick. Add that many of my best friends are men and every coworker I have is a man and you'll find I am someone well versed in the issues facing boyfriends these days. Finally, I've dated...a few...okay...a lot. I'm wise to the wily ways of you all - and I'm intimately aware of the tactics of the women you date.

If my friends, coworkers and family trust me, you can too.

From me, you'll get the succint and tough answer. No sugar coating like my partner in crime, Jess. You'll get the truth - so far as I can figure it. And I might not be very nice about it. So be sure to wear your big boy pants.



-JC said...

"Certifiably crazy or driven off the deep end?" hmm, no simple answer to this one...this will be argued by women one way, and by men another. So the truth (or answer) only lies in the eye of the beholder...

If a woman was driven off the deep end - could it be a possibility that she was too close to the deep end in the first place? Maybe he nudged her a bit, and with her being a little tipsy on, say PBR, she just fell off. Maybe some should stay away from the deep end until they learn how to swim :) ?

jess and kat said...

Ah, JC, Never fear, we'll tackle this dilemma tomorrow. Valid point and well played given my (ahem, our) propensity for PBR.

kimmieg said...

I love a good ham sandwich and that picture is making me hungry. Where did you find such a sammich? Will you take me?

K.O.P. said...

The Carnegie Deli in Times Square. We can go tonight.