Anon! Anon! You asked us a question in the comments section and it got totally lost! I'm sorry!
So here's her question:
I had a first date with a guy I met on the Internet on Wednesday. Prior to the date we had spoken on the phone several times and exchanged a few texts. The date went well and at the end of the date as he was dropping me off, he kissed me quite passionately and asked if he could come up. I said no not this time and that I wanted to wait until I got to know him better. He expressed how attractive he found me and that he couldn't wait to see me again. He drove off and I went up to bed. Got a call from him later saying how much he liked me and that he thinks that I am beautiful. The next day (Thursday) I had a short business trip to Las Vegas, just for the day. He knew about this trip. Once on the plane as I reach down to turn my phone off, I realize I don't have my phone. I have left it in the car. Oh well. I am with my boss on the plane and I am still connected to the office through him. I go about my day and fly back. Get in my car and notice 2 texts from him. The first one saying at 8am "Hope you slept well" and the second asking how my flight was at 11am. I respond a telling him about forgetting my phone and explaining my crazy day then asking him how his day was. This text was sent at about 7:30pm. Since that, no word from him. Ok…what's the deal? Should I be thanking my lucky stars that I avoided getting more involved with someone who is clearly a bit crazy OR was he really not that into me? Confused in California
CIC, Can I call you Cack? Just cuz I want to? Cool. Thanks.
I have a story to tell - in its own very special manner - it may also be an answer:
I had a guy friend about 4 years ago that was an AVID match.com'er, we'll call him Himbo. Actually, I think I was on match, saw Himbo and we reconnected on a PURELY platonic level. Here's why: About a week into our daily IM chat sessions (aka novels) he began to admit to a high level of sek-sual activity. Dig, dig, dig, pry, pry, pry. Himbo FINALLY admits that he's slept with nearly every Match.com date he's had in the past years and that although he lost count in the 100s, it's a lot.
WHAT?! Okay, so Himbo is now ManWhoor and I'm CONVINCED that he's trying to impress me with his sexual prowess and virility. Until I get secondary confirmation a la mutal friends that yes, ManWhoor is the dirtiest dick in the greater Minneapolis St Paul area.
Fine. But what about all these loosey goosey ladies that he found himself in compromising positions with? How did he find so many that would be with him, in the biblical sense? Was he really that good at the game? Were they really that horny? (Now that I'm 31 I admit the latter may have been the answer.)
All that above, take what you will from it, but apparently Match.com can be synonymous with AFF.com (don't go there from your work computer) and it sounds to me, Cack, like you got a guy that thought he was on par with ManWhoor.
But that's just me and my charming cynical nature assuming that no guy would ever be that attentive right away without an alterior motive.
Carry on, anon but beware the ManWhoor,
**FOOTNOTE!! ANON! You said you met him on the "internet" in your question. With today's advanced marketing and technology savvy - there are a few places on the World Wide Web to meet men. As mentioned above, AFF.com is one of those. Can you please (and thank you) provide clarity into the site upon which you found ManWhoor?
Can you ask your friend the ManWhoor to post the Match IDs of the women he met - I can't seem to find those types in my searches.....
And while you're at it, can I just have the Manwhoor's number? Kind of in the middle of a drought over here.
It was actually yahoo personals. I got bored of the guys on match.
Still no word, btw, but whatever.
Hmmm, I've heard that that's a bit more "desperado" if you will than the Match.com's of the world. You may have found a ManWhoor. I'll go ahead and hate his man stick for you.
No thanks necessary.
Cack Here again...
I see what you mean about the "desparado" aspect of yahoo.. but you might be surprised. I was a "match" only type of girl until I read an article in the now defunct Jane Magazine, in which a young reporter posted profiles on several different sites (Match, Yahoo, Craigslist, Jdate and one other one that I can't remember). In the article she discussed the pros and cons of each one and even had pictures with the guys she met on each site. It was pretty informative and actually led me to post an ad on craigslist (something i thought I would NEVER do!) Low and behold I met a great guy and we were together for a year and a half (recently broke up :( - so that is why I am back out there again). The point of my comment is to say I actually don't like a lot of things about the way match.com is set up. I think that if you are not even a game player type..it is hard not to get involved in the whole thinking of (why is he online again, we had such a good date..etc.etc.etc). So the sites that have less info about your online actions are in some ways a lot easier. Ok..that was a really long explanation..but I think you get my drift. :)
happy thanksgiving!
p.s. He seemed a little nerdy for the ManWhoor thing..but maybe that is his schitck
CACK -- that is my biggest gripe about match.com right now. It's like you don't have the option to NOT online stalk somebody, because every single frickin' time you sign on, you know when people were last on, who looked at your profile, etc. Super annoying.
Hi, well be sensible, well-all described
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